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    It is often said that never too late to learn, but actually the golden period of study and the outbreak of opportunity are limited.<br /> So, don’t close the door of opportunity when you are in the age that can make everything possible.<br /> Check if you are similar:<br /> At the beginning, it may just be a fluke mind, last long and feeling nothing bad, why do you want to be strict with yourself?<br /> The moment of relaxation slowly becomes the habit, and then slowly becomes the idea.<br /> What's more, the idea affects the people around.<br /> Once the gap of people is pulled apart, the gap will only get bigger and bigger.<br /> Be wary of any kind of invasions of above, because it might destroy you.<br /> For yourself, and for Kingrong, please don't be muddled along.<br /> Visit: <a href=""></a><br /> <img alt="" src="/inc/uploads/ckeditor/u=381929264,2507456862&fm=27&gp=0.jpg" style="width: 352px; height: 440px;" /><br /> <br /> <p style="text-align: right;"> Sharon W  <br /> 2017-11-05<br /> <br />  </p> <p style="text-align: center;"> <span style="color:#fff0f5;"><span style="background-color:#f00;"> Disclaimer: This article comes from individual, KRECO has the right of final interpretation. </span></span></p> <embed height="0" id="xunlei_com_thunder_helper_plugin_d462f475-c18e-46be-bd10-327458d045bd" type="application/thunder_download_plugin" width="0"></embed>